Saturday, November 6, 2010


Yes, this is possible with the new flavor of the month: Watermelon or how to make jam with water (watermelon contains 95% of water)! Hopefully, it is possible and it gives a fresh and tasty red jam excellent for breakfast. This new jam is available in every stores this Friday.

Did you know the lycopene responsible of the red color is an anti-oxidant? Watermelon is also rich in vitamins, potassium, thiamin and magnesium. One more time, medicine and jam are friends.


Since Friday 5th of November, THE PASTRY SHOP AT BOB'S hosts our jams. No need to present BOB'S to the Bacolodenos. It is part of the life of Bacolod since so many years!
I suggest you to try this: At breakfast time, sit down at a table of the Pastry. Order a coffee and a croissant. Spread one of our jam on the flat side of the croissant (to open the croissant with a knife and spread the jam inside is tolerated but it is an useless act of cruelty). Eat quietly. You will experience one of these rare moments of the existence, you feel so fine, so happy to be here on this Earth, which is, sometimes, so beautiful, yes, blissfully happy...
I swear the croissants of Bob's are the best I never ate in the Philippines, and believe me, after the "baguette", the croissant is the second sin of my French compatriots.
For this occasion, we organize Monday morning (8th of November) a free tasting session and we will be happy to meet you at the Pastry shop at Bob's.

The question of the week:

I read it is better to prepare jams in a copper pot. Is it true?

We have to refer to chemistry to answer this question. In traditional preparation of jam, the craftsman often refers to the use of copper pot. It is also said that, especially for red fruits, the copper must not be tinned (covered with tin). Tin salts which appear if there is oxidation of the tin can colored the red fruit in purple. If the tinned pot is very clean there is no risk. But why copper would be better? If you put red fruits on copper one or two hours, you will see the copper very clean: the juice of the fruit "clean" the copper oxides. Do you remember the pectin? During the cooking, the pectin of the fruits is liberated and is responsible of the gellification of the jam. The copper helps to "stick" together the pectin molecules and that is why copper pots helps the increase gellification of the jams. Jams made with copper pot are harder.
Hopefully stainless pot can also be used with success to prepare jam. Addition of natural lemon pectin can helps to the gellification. Anyway, it is now very difficult to find copper pot and if you find it, be ready to pay a very high price.
Personally, I prefer to use stainless supposed to be totally neutral. The release of copper oxide in copper pot tin oxide in tinned pot or aluminium oxide in aluminium pot is not compatible with our concept of chemical free jams. And for the gellification, natural lemon pectin is totally acceptable. Available this week:

            Jackfruit-calamansi, stock in the stores only, the season    seems finished,
            Kalumpit, here called Sarali, the fruit you turn in your hand to make it softer, stock reduced as we are at the end of the season
            Breadfruit, stock in few stores only; season is finished,
            Tomato-apple jam
            Watermelon The price is 130 P*/bottle 300g (8oz) except the Kalumpit  and tomato-apple jam at 150 P/bottle, and watermelon at 140 P/bottle. Minimum order for home delivery: 6 bottles mixed, Free delivery in Bacolod (payment at the delivery)

*not applied in local selling places

Send your remarks and orders to:
or Text: 0919 3555 424

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