Another great name about jam is the french Olivier de Serres (1539-1619) who invented agronomy. He is the one who developed the production of silk with worms, introduced corn and extracted sugar from beet in France. A genius! In his book "Théâtre de l’agriculture et mesnage des champs"(more or less: Theater of agriculture and management of field) edited in 1600, he writes about jam (translation of old french is not easy!): "With sugar, many and various fruits from trees and in the garden can easily preserve and can be conserved a very long time and keep beauty and goodness". He considers "brown sugar is better than white sugar and less expensive". He advices: "Do not hurry to make good jam" and explains how to "recycle jam which failed and withdraw sugar of old jams". This gifted man was a real master "confiturier".
The question of the week:
Is it possible to use other type of containers than glass for jam like plastic bottles?
Glass containers resists to the heat and jam is poured in the containers at very high temperature (over 100°C). Most of common plastic containers will melt with hot jam. I tried many years ago to use special plastic pouch but the sealing was not easy and there was great risk of contamination. For me, glass remains the best and safe solution.
By the way, we would like to reuse the containers and we have to discuss with our store partners how to manage that.

Jackfruit-calamansi, stock in the stores only,
Kalumpit, here called Sarali, the fruit you turn in your hand to make it softer, stock reduced
Breadfruit, stock in few stores only
Breadfruit, stock in few stores only
Tomato-apple jam

*not applied in local selling places
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