Young farmers learn jam processing in La Carlota:
At the creation of this blog, I explained our concept of Natural Farming teaching based on the trilogy: "To produce, to transform, to sell". Actually we apply this concept in a one year weekly seminar in the Gerry Ledesma's Dos Marias farm in La Carlota, in Ara-Al. After the theory of the jam processing last week, the farmer-students cooked their first batch of mango jam. Everybody enjoy the processing and went back home with samples of their production.
The question of the week:
I do my jam at home. Sometimes, I find molds when I open the jar. What is my mistake and is it dangerous for health? (continuation)
Rule #2: Respect the quantity of sugar and control the pH:
That's a very important rule because with the right concentration of sugar and an acidic medium you will avoid the development of micro-organisms. To know the concentration of sugar you need a refractometer. If you have not, you respect the recipe (generally same quantity of pulp and sugar) and you wait until the jam is really cooked, meaning ready for jellification (see later to know when the cooking is finished).
For the pH, it is not so easy. The pH should be between 3.5 and 3.0 and this cannot be measured with your tongue but with a pH-meter (expensive) or special paper pH (not expensive). That is why, when the fruits are not enough acid, the recipe says to add lemon juice. As a good jellification of the jam with the pectin also needs the same level of pH, this parameter is a fundamental for good jams.

Guyabano-calamansi 130P
Guyabano-calamansi 130P
Jackfruit-calamansi in some stores
Pomelo-orange 130P
Papaya-Buko 130P
Breadfruit in some stores
Breadfruit in some stores
Tomato-apple 150P
Watermelon 140P
Batwan 140P
Kalumpit, (Sarali) 150P
Ginger 150P
Green mango (Chutney) 180P
Sweet pepper 180P

NOTE: this prices are not applied in local selling places
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